長毛用Poke Guide (音仆街) 招呼特首! 仲送Book Guide俾煲呔!
梁國雄(長毛)Mock Speech in Legco:(模擬立法會英文演講詞)
"仆街"非粗言穢語, 只算係咒駡語!
Language Argument in Legco and poor governance of HKSAR
Mr. President,
Today, I'm going to speak in English.
You must have been impressed by our party Chairman, Mr. Raymond Wong's
mandarin speech last week on our views of the new Budget.
I'm not going to repeat the contents and "Blue Guys" mentioned by our Chairman,
but I must criticize the high-ranking Government officials, especially the Chief Executive,
Mr. Donald Tsang and Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr. Henry Tang,
for their high profile attack on LSD following the language argument in Legco.
They did not spend their time and energy in handling the financial tsunami
happening in Hongkong, instead, they spent their time and our resources
in criticizing and blackening LSD for the use of foul language in Legco.
I'm going to relate this language issue to the poor governance of the Hongkong Government. The real cause of poor governance is that the policy makers, those high ranking officials seating in their air-conditioned offices are innocent of the livelihood of the ordinary Hongkong people, including their use of some languages. They don't know the fact that these two words are commonly spoken in our local culture. These words appear in local movies, TV dramas, pop songs, books, magazines, newspapers, stage shows, and so on. If you need examples and proof, I can give you many.
According to one author, Mr. Pang Chi Ming who writes books on local slangs, these words do not belong to the category of foul or obscene languages. They simply mean "stumbling or tripping on the street"! It may be called a slang but never a foul or obscene language. It's obvious that these officials don't know this fact, how can they judge us? Their accusation is unfounded. They use their only authority to judge.
As they don't know, Mr. President, I can provide them a book guide for them to read about our local culture, including the languages used. Just like you buy a new iPod, if you don't know how to use it, you should read the iPod Guide! Another example is a two-player card game called Poke. If you don't know how to play, you must read the Poke Guide!
When they have no ideas about the livelihood of the ordinary people, how can they draft good policy affecting these people? I can quote a recent example here: the 50% rise of tax on tobacco, affects the living of newspaper stand owners severely. Their income is down by at least 30% because of this unfair policy as cigarette selling is important to their income.
Our Chief Executive and high ranking officials score low marks in all opinion polls. Do they know why? The reason is obvious: Hongkong people are angry with their poor performance. As representatives of our voters, we don't use foul or obscene languages in Legco. We just use the commonly spoken words by the ordinary Hongkong people to express their great anger on the officials.
As a devout Catholic, I wonder if our Chief Executive would seek the Pope's Guide in his religious life? But in our real life and his ruling in Hongkong, please tell him to follow our people's interest as his guide, but not the Pope's guide!
Mr. President, our highly paid Chief Executive and high ranking officials do not get their job done. Hongkong people have become poor guys as if they have stumbled on the street!
Mr. President, here is my Book Guide to our Chief Executive.
Thank you!
- 黃毓民接受李慧玲訪問談5區公投
- 甘乃威口講支持公投
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- 陶君行:「先否決,後公投」是誤會
- 陳偉業:「先否決,後公投」非正式建議。
- 黃毓民回應轉舦傳聞
- 李慧玲撐民主黨 唱淡公投
- 華叔詳細解釋及支持五區公投!
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- (創作) 黃毓民決戰司徒華
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- (創作) 堅決總辭 支持公投
- (創作) 泛民都係自己人
- (惡搞) 唔懂政治 窒一窒
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